I've never felt this sore in my life. I had physical trouble getting out of bed this morning. I hit the gym yesterday morning for my normal weight training session and we upped the bench press weight significantly. Then, my friend was teaching her first yoga class (she just got certified), so I went out in support... and this was my first time doing yoga.
Honestly, I don't think there is anything as ego deflating for a guy as going to a yoga session for the first time and NOT realizing that the women sitting in front of you are actual instructors. Insane. But I had a great time - and it was amazing how much I was sweating it up by just holding poses. I'm not sold on adding yoga yet into my weekly workout routine (I already work out 6 times a week), but maybe I'll try it in a few weeks.
After yoga, I went back to the gym for boxing. I wanted to add a sixth session during a week at my gym, and they made it fun by having me do boxing. Man, boxing is FUN. The coordination required, and the awesome feeling of getting punch combos right is a fantastic feeling. Not to mention getting a bunch of aggression out, too ;D
In any case, it'll be a while before I work out 3 hours in a single day again. But it felt great - I got through everything without struggling too much. Hooray for personal improvement!
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