I loved One Day. I'm a huge sap for romantic dramas, and this one doesn't fail.
The premise of the movie are a boy and girl who meet and connect on their graduation night. The movie then cuts to the anniversary of their meeting every year for 23 years. It follows the trials and tribulations of both of them as they struggle with their own careers, their families, their relationships (with others), and eventually, their relationship with each other.
The movie's not a feel-good movie, which is what I loved about it... it portrayed real struggles for both of them.
Now, I will say that the movie *could* have been much better. There were parts I felt were a little slow... maybe Anne Hathaway could have been recast or maybe Jim Stugess was just too good (the movie seemed to follow the boy more than the girl, although they both had similar struggles).
There are a few themes in the film that I identified with. As Dexter (the guy protragonist) starts getting more into his career and becoming more self-involved, he starts to distance himself from his mother and Em (the girl protagonist). In one of the scenes, his mother remarks how she knows he'll one day make a great husband and a father... but that he's no longer a nice guy - the lifestyle he's lead changes his personality.
A few years later, Em says it more concisely: "I love you Dex, I really do. I just don't like you anymore."
Good stuff.
(Apparently, as is the case with all movies, the book is much better. Soooo I guess I'll be reading THAT, now...)
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hope you're doing well, Roy. miss you~
Shut your stupid mouth Roy Kim!
You too Hapy.
You guys must have missed Brokeback Mountain.

