rykorp got verbal commitment on the largest contract to date, with great long-term upside potential. With it, i'll be more than 2/3 of the way towards my revenue goals for rykorp with only 1/3 of the year gone! Hopefully there will be continued acceleration in follow-on contracts and new clients acquisition...
There's a lot I need to do to clean up the business, though. Fortunately this project hit me as my other clients are winding down (and I expect their follow-on work to take a few weeks to materialize)... if it had hit me even two weeks ago, I would have hit a scaling point. Such is the problem right now with the services component: I'm the bottleneck.
I'm dissatisfied that I lost the momentum of development in a couple of my projects: they are moving forward, but it's very forced. Right now, the measuring stick is SalesKB - SalesKB has movement even when I'm out of the picture. Of course, it helps that I actually employ a developer full-time for that project instead of bringing on teams on-demand when necessary.
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Fortunately, I've gotten over my addiction to the paycheck. Not getting paid regularly used to give me anxiety: I'm totally over it now.
My latest anxiety? The amount of "bills" I have every month. It used to be pretty simple: rent was the biggest thing, and I had some utilities to pay. Now my rent is about the 3rd or 4th on the list of monthly outflows - I got contractors to pay out, servers to pay for, and other random services. The amount of cash I churn through on a monthly basis gets pretty scary, and if I don't get my cashflow situation down right... I could be screwed pretty royally.
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Song of the day seems pretty fitting:
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