catchy songs
This weekend was one of the most productive weekends I've had in YEARS. I've had weekends where I've worked a lot, but haven't gotten a lot done. It's quite possible that I did about a full week's worth of work... and I can't wait to show you guys what it is (soon-ish).
In any case, a big part of my productive weekends has to do with my playlist. And of course, being the Top 40 teenybopper I am, I "discovered" Who Dat Girl (by Flo Rida ft. Akon). According to iTunes, I've listened to this song 267 songs since Friday.
Out of curiosity, I watched the music video and realized my life is exactly like that music video. Minus the parties and hot girls. And the poker. Actually, on second thought, the only way that video is like my life is in the way a liquid gets spilled all over a laptop (and I don't even get a hot chick that appears!). Except in my case, it was soy sauce that got all over my new Macbook Air, which has essentially bricked it.
Time to take it into the Apple store, where they'll tell me I can't do anything, but gosh-darn, I should get another Macbook Air! Another Apple tax to be paid...
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