"Each day there are two wolves who fight for control of my actions. The dark wolf is angry, he is bitter, hurtful, arrogant, and resentful. His heart is filled with greed, sorrow, and regret. He has convinced himself that he is superior to all others and he spreads his lies and false pride wherever he goes."
The boys eyes grew big as they imagined this dark wolf inside of their Grandfather.
The Grandfather continued, "The other wolf is the light one. He is filled with joy, peace, and love. He brings hope and serenity to the People. His heart is filled with humility, kindness, and benevolence. He shares truth and gives freely with compassion and faith."
The two boys looked at their Grandfather with wonder in their eyes and not sure what to think.
"This battle goes on inside of me but it also goes on inside of you, too. Each day the battle continues."
The oldest grandson gave this some thought and then asked, "Wise Grandfather, who will win this battle?"
"The one you feed, dear child. The one you feed." answered the Grandfather.
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Haha to your crb (guest)'s picture. How very appropriate.
crb (guest)

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