So this is how Apple extracts cash from me!
My 3GS died yesterday. I took it in and got a new one.
Came home, pretty happy, because the 1-year warranty was going to expire in a week or two.
Plugged it in. WARNING: Need iTunes 10 to connect this iPhone.
"Great," I think to myself. Another chance for Apple to botch my computer up.
So I download iTunes 10.
WARNING: Need Mac OX 10.5 (Leopard) to install iTunes.
I have a PowerPC G5 - can't get Leopard on this computer.
So here I am, unable to restore my backup to my phone, because my iTunes / OS / hardware is too old.
Fun times. What a waste of a Monday.
So the worst case scenario? I shell out a shit ton of money for new hardware (which I've been meaning to do) and I might never be able to restore that backup.
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