ah, the joys
I spent the weekend in North Carolina. I loved the gorgeous weather - the crisp fall air always refreshes me. After my parents moved to KC a few weeks ago, I honestly didn't think I'd be back to Chapel Hill for some time, but some circumstances conspired to bring me back.
What was a bit sad was that there were very few friends left in the area - while it used to not be a problem to round up 10 or so friends on any given night; this time, there were only about 3 or 4 friends I could round up. It was still quite nice to be back.
The flight back was a connection through Philadelphia - but, Obama's trip to the area caused all flights to back up 45 minutes... and thus, I missed my connection. So I grabbed a room downtown and walked around a bit.
Figuring I was in Philly, I found a Philly chessesteak - and boy, was it delicious! The ingredients don't seem so difficult - wonder if I could make one at home...
In any case, I have a 530am flight tomorrow back to San Diego, where I'll promptly head into work.
It's been a long weekend, and tomorrow will be a long day... but I look forward to going to bed real early tomorrow night :)

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