My take on shopping tends to be something like this: buy a whole bunch of stuff at once, then wait for it all to wear out, then buy a bunch of that stuff all at once.
My pajama bottoms all finally gave out. So I went on a mission today to the Gap to get some new PJ bottoms - they had incredibly comfortable sweatpants... I am in sweet comfort heaven right now.
I also bought some new shoes - my two pair of Adidas' from three years were starting to wear out pretty badly. I knew I made the right purchase because I bought them from a totally hipster shoe store called Sportie LA which had totally disaffected employees who wouldn't really give me the light of day. These'll shave four years off my age... blammo!
While I'm at it, I might as well mention some random crap I've been picking up lately.
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I signed up for a Zipcar membership - ever since I got a totally impractical car, I've needed to have a "backup" plan for those times when pesky people come to visit me in town. Zipcar solves that problem perfectly!
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I wandered into Urban Outfitters a few weeks back for the first time ever. While their style is a bit too hipster for me, they sell the most comfortable cotton t-shirts ever. I doubt they'll last long (they are quite thin), but they work well for me now; at $12 a piece, I'm not complaining.
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Since I've been taking lots of trips lately, I've been looking for an alternative to hauling a carry-on bag. I looked into backpacks and found a wonderful company (Herschel Supply Co.) that makes really nice ones (that I had never heard of before). I should be getting my backpack tomorrow!
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