The greatest song ever
I wonder what it must be like to be an artist and to know you've created a monster hit.
The latest single from ATL artist Cee-Lo is the aptly named: "F*ck you." It is a hilarious song which is absolutely perfect in its delivery.
When the musical intro starts you think to yourself, "What a nice Motown retro feel this song has... must be some uplifting song about life!"
Instead? The first line Cee-lo hits you with: "I see you drivin' around town with the girl, and I'm like... 'fuck you.'"
A song that all guys can relate to (not sure girls ever have that type of feeling). The All-American Rejects have a similar song (which is more angsty than funny).
I cannot stop listening to this song. I can guarantee you I'll be listening to this song tomorrow at work, grinning like an idiot while writing up strategy notes on MT's next big initiative...
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Anonymous (guest)

oh ps. he had very cute kids.
