Thanksturkey day!
If I ever have a lasting legacy, I want Thanksturkey day to be it.
Is there nothing better than Thanksgiving dinner with friends - cooking and drinking all day - then stuffing yourself with wonderful food and turning in early due to food coma? Let me answer that for you: NOPE. WINNER = YOU!
Saturday will be the first Thanksturkey day - *almost* six months after Thanksgiving. The turkey is currently thawing out in my refridgerator, and I went grocery shopping tonight to pick up all the wonderful ingredients.
I will consider the meal a success if nobody gets food poisoning ... HAH. (Just kidding. I don't think anybody who's coming actually reads this blog)
Last Thanksgiving, I got a lot of shit cause I cooked the bird upside down (breast down). Well, the turkey turned out DELICIOUS, so I'm going to do it again. Except this time, I will do it on purpose.
And it will be glorious.
Here was the turkey from Thanksgiving '07:
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Laz88 (guest)

do You know Mr. Bean's story with the Xmas turkey?
Best regards,

Do I see a Julie & Julia copycat in you?



Of course she covered Julia Child's book in 365 days, so you'll have to idolize Martin Yan or some other legendary Asian Chef.