Facebook is doing exactly what it should - using its entrenchment and its scale to push for innovation of the web. All this talk of creating an "open" Facebook is ludicrous - look how well Laconica got adopted (the "open distributed" Twitter).
In the early days of Tabulas, I was all about open. But you know what? Waiting for standards to not only get finalized, but for people to write tools for them was worthless. Innovation happens faster behind closed doors.
The problem is that people have always considered FB a closed ecosystem where they could strictly control what they did. But it's clear FB is no longer that, and this is taking people by surprise.
Honestly? I don't know anybody who takes FB that seriously anymore. Sure, they may have the numbers of users, but most of the people I know are no longer using it actively.
The next social network that will come and uproot Facebook will be one that doesn't simply map your real life into the net (which is why FB does) - the next evolution will be a social network which helps you actually network and meet new people in a smart manner. It will augment your real life - not try to replace its interactions. Think of it like online dating without the stigma.
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I know that future Roy will agree with you 100%. Current Roy is just not capable of making that break so easily.