Photography projects I want to do
First off, I want to link up to Spike's Tabulas. He's 50% of the ever-so-talented tulyfoto, which does wonderful photography out of NC.
As I've found myself with a muse once more, the creative side of my brain's kicked into overdrive. This has ranged from picking up piano again, to writing (crappy) short stories, and to taking a *lot* of pictures.
Spike, if you ever find yourself in SoCal, we gotta go out and do some photo shooting, cause I could use your expertise. There are three projects that I want to work on.
First is the ever-so-popular Polaroid in pictures meme. In my defense, I came up with this idea independently without outside influence back in college. The notion is to generally take a Polaroid of an object, then take a photo with that Polaroid in the shot. Here's an example I pulled off of Flickr (although my interest is less in human objects and more in inanimate objects):
I would love to do a set of these. With the iPad hype in full swing, it would also be interesting to see if you could pull off the old "transparent" PC trick like the one I did a few years back:
Project #2 would involve a light pen and some patience. Han helped me out with the initial run when I was back in NC:
(Seriously wish I had done this in RAW). The concept is "angels among us" and it uses long exposure times to allow you to do some light painting (yes, there are tons of better examples). I wanted to try this in black-and-white with people helping each other in common tasks (maybe holding out a hand to a fallen kid), and use a light pen to quickly draw wings.
Third was something I was playing around with briefly in NC this last time. I'm actually quite interested in overexposure portraits. There's something very stark about photos which are purposely overexposed (but still have some semblance of details):
The idea photo shoot would be either mid-day to sunset in the desert - gotta imagine the contrast in an environment like that would be amazing. Photo subjects? Not sure. Definitely human subjects, but not sure what would work there.
As I was writing this post, I remembered where I (probably) picked up the inspiration for the overexposed project (besides Holga photography): Kanye West's "Can't Tell Me Nothing" video.
This video probably tops my favorite list in terms of cinematography; what Hype Williams pulled off in the desert with the stark minimalism would be my inspiration:
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dude i am so glad to see you getting back into taking more photos. i really like your ideas above. sooooo good. all of them actually. you know i remember seeing the polaroid within a polaroid when you did that series of the guys. i thought it was pretty awesome. that's why i tried purchasing a SLR690, but the thing came broke en route to my house and i was never able to claim any money from it because i went out of town right after.
but sir can't wait to see some of your projects unfold! keep it up!