I had a wonderful day today - although I originally was dreading the infamous "MindTouch Documentation Portal Cleanup" project, I ended up really enjoying the day.
The MindTouch engineering team (Steve, Guerric, Max, Michael, Damien, Corey, Arne, Kalid and myself) all showed up to really focus on this one task that had been a long time coming - reorganizing all 20,000 pages+ on MCP to a new hierarchy to help discovery. While our problem in 2008 was a lack of documentation, our problem in 2009 quickly evolved to having tons of documentation that was not organized and was of questionable quality.
Why was today so great? I couldn't remember the last day I had spent a whole day focused on a single task. It was such a wonderful change of pace to be told what to do (great job by Guerric in really driving this project forward) and not to have to worry about every possible thing that could go wrong.
We followed up the eight hour session working on the ESX machine reorganizing all the content (virtualization is amazing) with celebratory drinks at Karl Strauss and dinner at South Beach Bar and Grill in OB.
While there is tons of work left on the documentation portal, the initial pass is a great (long overdue) pass at cleaning up the content to help discover how to better utilize MindTouch. I expect us to continue to iterate over the documentation work with product releases around better documentation... (woot).
Tomorrow is my day of leisure! I will NOT work on anything MT-related! :) (I don't think I've had a MT-free weekend in 2010 yet).
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