the end of an era, marked by materialism
In lieu of life-changing events (my life is far too blessed), I will mark the end of eras with material items.
Tonight, with the help of Craigslist, I unloaded the last of my fishtanks. At one point, I had 100 gallons of aquarium activity in my place (one 60-gallon and two 20-gallon tanks). I got rid of the 60-gallon to make space for my piano, and I unloaded the other 20-gallon shortly after that.
I had kept the last 20-gallon fish tank, but frankly I got sick of it. It didn't fit in well with my place, and I was too lazy to put in an effort to make it awesome again. (Even worse, I think I was paying about $10/month in my electricity bill to keep the lights on that thing on - halogen lights are expensive!)
The fish tank, and my misguided attempt to replace friends with fish is now over (jk).
Another end of an era: I finally got payment for the Canon Digital SLR I put up on eBay - so there goes that camera... In two days, I unload the two "big-ticket" items I bought in '08...
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