cause it's gonna be cool in a few years
AI don't want to brag, but I'm something of a trendsetter, and my deep meditation over the holidays gave me a breakthrough discovery. I've identified the next big cultural wave that's going to sweep over the States, and I'm going to share it with you here. (Hold your excitement!)
It's Canada. Yes, Canadian fever will spread through this nation over the next decade, so it's high time we start learning more about our neighbors from the Great White North. To that end, until I tire of this, I will share a Canadian fact with every post.
During my extensive research, I was a bit surprised that there were so few Canadaphiles:
YES! I can Googlebomb this! Canadaphile!
I mean, look at how popular France and England are:
I spent this weekend digging through Wikipedia for many Canadian facts. Here's your first Canadian factoid, the provinces of Canada: (not to be confused with the three territories of Canada: Yukon, Northwest Territories, & Nunavut)
- British Columbia
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- Ontario
- Newfoundland & Labrador
- New Brunswich
- Prince Edward Island
- Nova Scotia
- Quebuec
(I did that from memory - how awesome am I?!)\
OK, enough Canada factoids for today. I don't want to overload you.
Canadaphile Roy Kim out!
(And happy belated Boxing day!)
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