November 24, 2009
getting into the christmas spirit
I guess you're supposed to get these after Thanksgiving, but I had a free evening, so I drove down to Chula Vista and picked up a tree:
Will post after pictures in a couple of days after I'm done decorating! (I love the smell of pine needles!)
A picture of the coffee table I got this past weekend (Thank goodness for the Citi Forward card with its insane points for eating out to make this affordable):
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ps. i looooooooooove always be my baby, and wanted to use it in our wedding slideshow but when i actually listened to the words it was totally inappropriate :P hehe

and i totally feel you on the "always be my baby" - the song sounds so upbeat, but it's actually a really depressing song! what's up with that?!
PM5K (guest)

PM5K (guest)
There's no way that tree lasts you until Christmas,

PM5K (guest)

PM5K (guest)

yeah, same drawer on both sides, so it can be pulled both ways.
PM5K (guest)
Please put something on it to break up those colors.