Lately, I've felt this feeling that I'm just floating around. No sense of movement or direction. And when there is movement, it always feel like it took all my energy - like dragging a cart through mud. Things don't seem as fast and exciting as they used to be. Didn't this used to be easier?

The passion and energy is misplaced right now. I have a backlog of things I need to do for work, but I just don't have the energy to deal with it. I'd rather sit here and listen to some acoustic strummings from the Mayer and chat idly with friends instead. While I'd normally write, I don't even feel like doing that. (I'm forcing myself to write this now)

I've lately been having pretty uneventful dreams, but they've all shared one common theme: a life different than the one I have right now. Not to say I'm unhappy with anything - my life is incredibly blessed and I'm more than fortunate to be here. But I've never been one to settle for less, and there is always that feeling that something could be better. Maybe that's a bad way to phrase it. It's more of a feeling that I could be doing more with my life. That I should have accomplished more so far. I envy those people in my life who take such strong-willed actions with conviction. Fluttering, flittering me! Shame!

The dream a couple nights ago had me living in the Village with that dog I keep almost getting (but I decide against for now). The night before, cruising around the Greek Isles on a 27' (but that was probably because I was stressing over my sailing certification - I got my ASA 101 certification this past weekend!).

Wish my mind wasn't so idle right now - always a problem.

Posted by roy on October 20, 2009 at 10:48 PM in Personal | Add a comment

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