ms. jaymee ong
Be prepared for massive dweebery.
A lifetime ago, I used to run a site called, which was a fansite for the actress Jaymee Ong. Unfortunately, I never owned the domain name, and although I had requested ownership of the domain so the site would never be lost, the owners felt they would "never not renew" the domain... and of course, one year they stopped paying and I lost the site.
And for the record, so people don't think I'm one of those obsessive fan club types, the site had some pretty strict rules about NOT posting or pursuing personal information about Jaymee.
Around 2002, somebody started feeding a lot of information about Jaymee - her upcoming work and photos from her shoots. At the time, I figured it was her agent or something; the user ("denise_truscott") was rather mum about her relationship with Jaymee, so I never pushed it.
I did know she was legit, because as a "thank you" for my work on the site, denise_truscott actually got Jaymee to call me over Christmas break (in 2001?). I'm sad to say that this was the highlight of that year, and I've not had much luck in getting hot women to call me since. Oh, the pain of peaking too early! (jk)
Fast forward to last week, and through a rather non-sensical comment thread with HK1997, I was curious about who that user was; HK1997 managed to find both of them on Facebook. I messaged Denise (turns out that's her real name and not an alias) to find out who she was...
Well, the answer's in! Turns out denise_truscott was actually Jaymee's mom. That's pretty cool that eight years ago, her mom was out on the intarwebs, promoting her daughter's career. And it's doubly cool that she got Jaymee to give me a call to thank me for my work on the site. I'm sure Jaymee was pretty freaked out about talking to her dorky fanbase.
One life mystery solved.
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Her MUM was on ur forum??? HOLY CRAP~!!!!
Now all that closet-stalker HK got to do is find out where Cwazy is and we're all good :)




Maybe the Purity Police needs to be reinstated.
But, seriously. Best community ever.


PM5K (guest)
You didn't wash that hand either right?
(I just vomited in my mouth a little)

JL (guest)

PM5K (guest)