a san diego weekend
With the recent spate of traveling, I hadn't had a real "San Diego" weekend in a while. Well, that changed this weekend!
ith some fresh friends from Las Vegas in town, I finally got to hit up the San Diego Zoo (I kept trying to go with people with visited, but it never worked out) this weekend. Had a good time there (pandas are so awesome); next up - the San Diego Wild Animal Park! (Although I'm discovering that I enjoy aquariums more than zoos).
We watched Inglourious Basterds, which I thought was OK, but not fantastic. The movie seemed to drag in certain places (I wished there were more Aldo Raine scenes).
We went sailing today - first time I went out without a safety net - I took the 22-footer out and it was very smooth sailings (Surprised even myself!). Now that I have no trips for September, I foresee a lot of sailing weekends ahead :)
I was a bit ill on Friday, and I was worried having people in town would exacerbate it, but it seemed to have gotten better... maybe all I needed was some nice San Diego sun :)
Every time I have people over, I'm more grateful that I ended up in San Diego - there's so much to do here! It's a shame it took me so long to start to really appreciate it...
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sanjuro (guest)

Could it be because of this account, there are some old WordPress files: http://yellowstains.neopages.net

