Here in Atlanta for a friend's wedding... aw, shucks.
Here is an upside: I ended up getting a convertible from the rental agency (not what I asked for, but it was the last one left... sweet (also got free GPS), and I'm pretty sure I want my next car to be a convertible. Even in the humid heat of Atlanta, it's a lot of fun.
So, a quick story. It was bound to happen, and I'm sure it's a rite of passage for all travellers.
My flight yesterday required me to take the airport bus from my place. I took the 12:13 bus, which was supposed to arrive at 1230 at the airport (in time for my 1:05 flight). Instead, it got in around 1245 instead. I got to the check-in counter 15 minutes before the flight (which is pushing it), where I was immediately denied boarding access (although the family next to me was allowed to board, ok!). I then asked for help in rescheduling the flight, and I got no help from the Delta representatives. In their defense, their next flight was full, as (apparently) was any connecting flights.
This is where I started getting kind of pissed. The two representatives did nothing to make me feel better about the situation - they didn't try to look for other flights, they simply told me nothing was possible, and that the best they could do was re-book the flight for the next day (in which case I'd miss the wedding).
So with Max's help (thank you!), I decided to buy a one-way ticket from American to get into Atlanta (only two hours later, not so bad).
With a connecting flight into Dulles, I decided to make sure the second half of the flight was not cancelled.
Now here is where the WTF comes into play. Apparently, because I had "cancelled" the first half of the flight, to take the same return flight back would cost me $300 ($150 "reissue" fee and the fare difference for a one-way ticket).
Wow. Now, as I called them, I tried to understand the reasoning, besides, "a one-way ticket costs more, so we need to do the difference." The two pricks I talked to on the phone were unflinchingly unhelpful.
Let me re-iterate their company policy: miss one half of your trip, and even if you figure out a way to make your trip, you have to pay in addition to take the same flight back. Wow. I mean, really, wow.
I am never flying Delta again, ever. They treat their customers like crap, and have absolutely no sympathy for situations like that. Screw them. (I'm pretty sure all the legacy airlines probably have all the same policies - will need to do more research when I get home).
I've been so spoiled lately flying Southwest and Virgin Airlines that I forgot how bad the legacy carriers really were. Why can't we let these companies go out of business, again?
In any case, this trip is getting quite costly. Paying in addition for two more last-minute fares ain't pricey, plus I had to tack on another hotel/rental car day. (I booked the return on another airline back, even though it was cheaper to take the $300 on such short notice, I'm not giving Delta any more money on principle). Blah.
But such is the lessons learned - had I just taken a taxi from my place, none of this would have happened... oh well. My fault...
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beanya (guest)

I'm never leaving my house.


Actually your big mistake was letting tell you that you couldn't get on the flight. (as long as you were all carry-on, you are fine)
the 30 minute rule is in place for check-in baggage, and they actually do need close to that time logistically to pack everyone's bags and secure the storage cabin.
You are still absolutely retarded for giving yourself a 30 minute window. Even "busy people" (like consultants) we give ourselves much more of a window to make things (typically an hour).
but that policy is pretty standard, not just delta. the customer service though is pretty bad. They are taught to be more considerate, and lets say if you were good enough with search engines you would know how to make your concerns heard a bit better =)
Try flyer talk =P
PM5K (guest)
I know it's a gay idea but who cares since Delta isn't getting one anyway, but I hear they make great faucets.