"True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence." - FDR
Interesting conversations about freedom, and a nice examination of how we live our lives, and how fortunate we are. 'Twas interesting to talk it out just cause it really crystallized my viewpoint of my life into a tangible statement.
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I can't believe Obama acted so stupidly in involving himself with something so charged. Fatigue must be getting to the man.
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I got to watch the San Diego Symphony Summer Pops "Video Games Live" performance today - it was the symphony basically covering video game music. It was awesome. One of the highlights - they had this kid playing Guitar Hero while the symphony played along ... awesome!
I'll definitely be looking into going to more SD Symphony shows ... a shame it happened so late! My neighbor (now on leave) played the viola for the SD Symphony and was always trying to get me to go to one of their concerts. Oh, how stupid of me to wait this long!
I was personally quite partial to the live performance of this:
They actually got the original vocalist who did this at the concert. Nice!
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