terrence ... at wsop main event!
For those of you long-time readers, who bore the brunt of my long-winded poker entries from back in the Carolina days, will be happy to hear that Terrence qualified for the WSOP Main Event ($10,000 buy-in!) through a satellite tournament.
I was in Vegas Wed/Thurs with my parents, and was able to catch up with Terrence, Brigid (T's GF), and Peter ... I'm feeling pretty pumped for Terrence. If there's anybody I know who could do well at the WSOP, it's Terrence.
And he's decided to pick up his Tabulas poker diary to capture his experiences.
Check it out: http://terrence.tabulas.com
Good luck, Terrence!
I'll tell you one thing - talking to them about poker makes me want to train again; my game has diminished so greatly lately it's not even funny. (Un?)fortunately, my job keeps me quite busy where I couldn't realistically put in the hours to get good again. Oh well!
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