Yay! I'll be flying back to NC for a wedding on Thursday ... looking forward to seeing everybody then! Unfortunately, as is always the case, trying to wrap up work is so tricky...
P.S. There seems to be some misunderstanding - there will be no dancing whatsoever on my behalf at this wedding. Unfortunately, I lost my groove, and unlike Stella, I never got it back.
I'm actually looking forward to the flight - for once, I'll have an iPod that can handle the duration of the eight hour flight (with layovers) back to NC. Plus I bought a buttload of interesting books to read for the flight there and back. Hopefully I can enrich my mind and do a slightly-better-than-amateurish-job at some gaping deficiencies (product management) we have at MindTouch until we can fill those holes with more competent people than I.
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