food for thought
PM5K left this interesting comment:
I had this strange thought the other day... I don't know exactly how long I've "known" Roy but it's been a few years and for whatever reason I still come and read this Tabulas page once every few days or so. So the thought was: Wouldn't it be weird if I was still reading your blog twenty years from now? I mean will I always read it? Of course twenty years from now we might not have blogs, if I had told you twenty years ago that newspapers would be going out of business you might not believe that..... Just some random thoughts...
I've been writing on this site for five years. I have entries that go back to 2002 (imported from LiveJournal).
This site is such an integral part of who I am, I would be surprised if I wasn't writing 20 years from now.
Update: Check out PM5K's response to this post:
It's just strange because I don't even know you in real life but for some reason I keep reading your blog, and it's not even that interesting, I guess I'm waiting to see if it ever does get interesting.
Will there ever be a baby Roy Kim Jr, will you ever get laid, it's like a really boring soap opera and I'm waiting to see if it ever gets good, so far five years and not really...
And thus, a stranger has managed to capture the essence that is my life.
. . .
I'm starting to get quite pumped about this trip - a visit to a culture which is (almost) the polar opposite of the life I'm leading now - it'll be great.
As I promise every time I travel, things may be quiet here. But more likely than not, I'll probably find my way to a computer and post a couple pictures.
Have a great drinko-de-Mayo!
. . .
Edit: Hate to leave this entry on a negative note, but it looks like Facebook replaced their "friends" page, which now removes the ability for you to ... oh well... know when your friends have updated. Sort of defeats the purpose of a social networking - who is doing the product management at Facebook?
Their recent rollout (which was already an absolute turd) already diminished my usage of Facebook, but that "friends" link was the only thing keeping me there. Now I can't even tell when my friends are updating - the status feeds are so unreliable (at least in the early days, it dropped TONS of messages from my friends - don't know now).
I mean, change always causes some kickback, but obviously somebody at Facebook is high on power, thinking they know better than the whole web.
Now's the ripe time for some new site to completely kick their ass. (obligatory Ree link!) Maybe I'll take this trip to also give some attention to the future of Tabulas.
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E Fulkerson (guest)

PM5K (guest)
Is that even possible?
Just for the record, I did know how I came to know you, I just didn't know how long it had been, but I knew it was a pretty long time to still be following the blog of a guy I've never met in person.
You know, I think it's mostly for the rare occasions you post pictures like the one with the space helmet.
PM5K (guest)
Will there ever be a baby Roy Kim Jr, will you ever get laid, it's like a really boring soap opera and I'm waiting to see if it ever gets good, so far five years and not really...
I don't even know how long it's been but I'm sure I knew you before Tabulas, has it really been that long?


PM5K (guest)
However, I actually ran at least one news reposting type website that I believe was hosted by Neopages, but I haven't been able to dig up anything about it.
Once the question was in my head I had to find out for myself, although I know I've known you longer than that I know it couldn't be too much longer.