a public service announcement
Having so many readers, I sometimes feel obligated to pass on important information. So here's today's PSA:
I finished Mad Men Season 1, and it reminds me of this poster. As for the TV series, it's good, but it could be a whole lot better. Mad Men is good enough to start comparisons to The Wire (as a drama), but The Wire just blows everything out of the water.
Some things I would improve with that Mad Men: more stuff about advertising. I really do enjoy learning more about that - the advertising never seems to be a subtext for the show's narrative - which is something that really addictive TV shows do, like House, West Wing, or Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip ... Mad Men randomly drop-ins about advertising every once in a while instead of using the career to push the storylines.
I also don't enjoy how the whole show revolves around people cheating on their spouses. It'd be one thing if that was one theme for one of the characters, but it seems that every character suffers from that flaw. Gets kind of boring after a while.
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