I went to a job fair today. Passed out a lot of resumes and talked to a lot of different firms - job hunting is so exciting and... wait a second. No, that's not what I did. (I was tempted to Tweet something along the lines of "Looking for awesome new opportunities at UCSD job fair" just to mess with Aaron, but he has enough legitimate things to worry about!)

So last year, Damien and Sofia went to the UCSD job fair to go resume hunting to fulfill some summer internships. They passed a bunch of resumes to me, and I ended up hiring two of them for the summer ... and they were both Asian girls.

I got a lot of crap in the office about me using internships as "Roy's dating service." (It was all in jest, obviously)

I always gave crap to Damien cause half the resumes he passed to me were Asian girls - so what do people think will happen?!

Well, I got to experience first-hand. I have a stack of about 30 or so resumes (Guerric has a bunch, too) that I'm sifting through - and I realized that of the 30, 11 of them were Asian girls. YEAH, ROY'S DATING SERVICE IS BACK. (sigh... I hope by preemptively joking about it, I can kill this ridiculous joke.)

Anyways, it begs a VERY interesting question: why does the demographic skew that way? I don't know UCSD's demographic breakdown, but it can't be 33% Asian females. Is it cause women are far more responsible about these types of things? I know I never was responsible enough to network or go job hunting ... and a lot of my friends were also that way.

. . .

My brain has been completely fried lately. I'm not joking - last night at trivia night, I contributed one good thought the whole night. I kid you not. It's like my brain had just shut down.

Here's another example of what happened tonight:

I got into the elevator. I clicked "1." The light lit up for a second, then went dark. I hit it again. Lit up, then dark. I hit it again. Nothing.

It was at that point I realized I was actually on the first floor, and I needed to hit "4."


Posted by roy on April 8, 2009 at 09:29 PM in Ramblings, MindTouch | 2 Comments

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sanjuro (guest)

Comment posted on April 9th, 2009 at 01:20 AM
That thing with the lift happened to me too, at least twice this year. I also live on the 4th floor. Once, last year, not so long after I moved in, I came home and the key would not turn the lock open. Just at this moment I realized the voice that had abruptly stopped talking behind the door was not that of my flatmate. I used to live on the 5th floor; old habits die hard. I left on tiptoe but swiftly.

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Comment posted on April 8th, 2009 at 10:12 PM
44% Asian, 52% female though I imagine that amongst the programming crowd, those statistics skew even stronger for Asians and dudes.

Come on Roy, if you wanted to meet Asian UCSD co-eds, there are easier ways of doing it.
