lazy sunday
My hands are so chafed right now.
(I was thinking this phrase after I got back sailing, and then I realized how incredibly dirty it sounded. Obviously, the best thing to do was to post said comment in my journal... along with the internalization. Jeez, I'm weird.).
This weekend was pretty chill - Damien and I went out on a quick photography tutorial session on Saturday with his new digital SLR - his pictures came out pretty great. One of the benefits of getting friends hooked on the photography bug is it reduces my need to bring my camera to every event I go out on - somebody else'll take pictures! Yay for laziness!
As is the case for today's sailing (All pictures courtesy of Damien). Damien, Melody (Damien's GF), and I went hit up Mission Bay for some sailing in a 16'. The winds were pretty great, and we got some great sailing in. While we were in the bay, we ran into a Somalian pirate ship captained by the infamous Max Mass: (GREAT JUXTAPOSITION: the pirate flag behind the rainbow sail...)
But instead of boarding our ship for oil, they instead threw over a couple of beers. Nice! Of course, that inevitably led to this picture:
This exposure was immediately followed by this exchange: (this conversation is not verbatim)
Me: Wait, a picture of me drinking beer while sailing a boat ... kind of irresponsible.
Damien: Yeah, there might be something wrong with that.
Me: Let's try again.
Much better.
Us: Totally responsible, mature adults. Right...
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