January 5, 2009
quick thoughts
- I rarely click Twitter links (I hate, hate, HATE the blindness of tinyurls), but my hit rate is much higher if an item is re-tweeted.
- On the topic of the crappiness of TinyURL, the best website idea of 2009: http://www.longurlplease.com/
- Facebook's floating lower nav bar is totally useless to me. I know it's there, but I don't think I've ever used it. It's hard to discover, and I'm not even sure it's more usable.
- I love Jimmy Eat World's songs, but their videos are atrocious. They're always just shots of the band - why not tell the story the songs paint? A music video should be judged by making people like (or at least think more) about the song it's about - Jimmy Eat World always seems to fail on this account.
Guerric re-tweeted this image from Irene on Twitter, which is absolutely hilarious:
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