a comparison
Guerric created this image for DekiMobile, an iPhone interface for Deki: (which he later referenced)
Jessica then decided to use this guy to hand-make gift wrapping paper for MindTouch's white elephant party. Examine the close-up:
How hilarious is that?
I ended up taking home the gift wrapping paper and mounted it this weekend 'cause it's so awesome (my presents for the white elephant were stolen twice and I ended up with a "girl's night in" gift set - a bottle of cheap whine, some hand lotion, and a back brush - but hey, at least I walked away with this). I need to print out Guerric's picture and frame it for a side-by-side:
The act of creating is so cool - I will never respect people more than the ones who create things.
I took this picture of Aaron during the white elephant - I enjoy it because of how contextually rich it is (and it was taken with a Nikon, blech!):
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Sorry to spam you. Just thought it was kinda cool that tabulas has been spread all the way over here. Hehehe.
Hope you're having a good winter in San Diego!

There are a lot of Filipino Tabulas-users :)



sanjuro (guest)