El Camino Real
The ECR Project (via):
The El Camino Real Project is a photographic journey down “The Royal Road”, also known as The King’s Highway, the 600-mile (966-kilometer) California Mission Trail which is now a stretch of California road that consists of small businesses, homes and various motels. From So. San Francisco to San Diego, El Camino Real has a rich visual history. We aim to capture it.
I went shooting with Aaron and Ashby on Satuday:
I posted which few pictures that came out OK: http://roy.tabulas.com/gallery/el-camino-real/ - I haven't added these to Flickr yet - guess I'll be doing that tomorrow.
Ashby also took a bunch of pictures which Aaron posted; I actually think her photos are far more interesting than the ones I took - it's cool to see "her" perspective of the world - I had forgotten how everything had seemed so big. I also Poladroided some of her photos: http://roy.tabulas.com/gallery/ashbys-pictures-poladroided/
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Roebot (guest)

I totally agree about Ashby's photos. I'm amazed by them too. I was really impressed by how serious she was about the whole thing too.