thanksgiving break, part i
I succeeded in helping to cook a Thanksgiving dinner! It wasn't as hard as I imagined - just really time consuming. I now feel confident I can fly solo next year and do the whole meal myself ;)
Some pictures from tonight: (full album)
The turkey came out really well - was not overcooked, and had great flavor!
I helped make this cheesecake last night - which turned out really great. I'm gonna get a copy of that recipe for myself!
Enjoying the company in the kitchen while cooking
Coworker Guerric (on left), who owns the awesome cheesecake recipe, and did a ton of cooking (I just helped out)
Dinner is served!
Mmm, deserts.
Chairs were in great demand; we ended up with quite an assortment.
This is the solution we came up with when trying to make more space.
Post-meal happiness
. . .
Now I'm getting ready for my 3-day road trip up to Carmel-By-The-Sea and Big Sur tomorrow. I've figured out the most important thing: the soundtrack. I'm leaning heavily towards Red Hot Chili Peppers (very chill, cruising music).
I'll see you guys on Sunday night, and I hope all of you had a fantastic Thanksgiving!
And on a more serious note, my heart goes out to the families of those affected by the Mumbai attacks ... such senseless violence...
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