15mm fisheye lens
So guess what new toy I got? Yes, kids ... a Canon EF 15mm f/2.8 fisheye lens! Since I lack a full-frame digital SLR (Canon 5D - hint hint), the fisheye effect on my Rebel XTI is less pronounced. But this gave me a reason to shoot off a roll of Tri-X on my Elan 7. Now to send in my first roll of film since the Vietnam/Korea trip ... :)
Anyways, I had a lot of fun just taking shots close to where I live with this - these pictures aren't meant to be good in any way - they're just fun pictures I took tonight (I did take a lot of effort in setting up those beach pictures - these are coming straight off the memory card!). Once I get the hang of this lens, I may try to take some better pictures, but for now, I'm having a lot of fun.
Yay for the US Grant and distortion!
I'm really looking forward to getting the Tri-X back.
So my short lens review: this lens is pretty awesome. The f/2.8 and wide angle actually makes it perfect (in my opinion) for shooting cities at night. It's weird to hear the autofocus motor whir (too used to USM, I guess). But it's a really fun lens.
I have a pretty awesome roadtrip up to Big Sur/Carmel over Thanksgiving, so I'm pretty pumped to make use of this new lens - the limited sensor size on my Rebel may force me to start shooting film again (time to find me some Velvia 50...)
Edit: If the friggin economy hadn't crapped out, and I had some capital gains to show for this year, I'd totally get the Canon 5D. Dag it. Now I have to actually wait and save. Blah!


i already own a 50mm/1.2 :) that was the 2nd lens i bought back when i shot film. to be honest, i don't use it that much.

Well then, Henri Cartier-Bresson you are not. :P

actually, i think that's really the only way you could ever do photography nowadays. those canons are wayyyyy too bulky to be subtle.
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