drove out to grandfather mountain yesterday evening, but it was closed today due to high winds in the area (it was also apparently very foggy up there):
i believe that peak is grandfather mountain.
anyways, i ended up just driving down the blue ridge parkway - what a beautiful drive:
along the way, i stopped by linville falls:
it's been so long since i've done any type of photography - man, i'm rusty. i was playing around with my neutral-density filter ... epic fail (the nd filter is why so many of these pictures seem blurry - even with the tripod, the windiness caused things to go blurry).
. . .
jeez, two of my favorite women in the world in the same vid together ... hot!
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Love the photos! It's been years since I've had a chance to go out there. Did you get a chance to visit wine country out in Yadkin and Surry counties?