This is the culmination of roughly a year's worth of knowledge in software development processes in an open-source start-up company: Release Strategy for MindTouch Deki.

It's not, by any means, definitive, and it's missing a lot of insights I've gained (unfortunately they escaped me while I was putting together that document). It does a good job of marking out our approach, factoring in the need to balance out the open source and commercial editions of Deki. I expect over the coming weeks and months, to continue adding to this document. Of course, this thing is already wordy (2000+ words!), so I'll need to constantly tighten up the writing.

My hope is this'll serve as a good starting point for people just joining the community, and as a reminder for our internal dev team on our processes (that they so often forget!).

I'm sure those engineers/product managers who have worked are more established companies will laugh at the naivete of this document, but that's what learning is for, right? ;)

Posted by roy on September 23, 2008 at 09:05 PM in Web Development, MindTouch | Add a comment

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