viva la vida
I really, really like the iTunes/Coldplay commercial:
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I posted a few days ago about the arrogance of Obama's presidential seal. Well, guess what?
After days of media mockery, Barack Obama has decided to stop using a presidential-looking seal that his campaign designed and affixed to his podium on Friday. (Source)
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Democratic senators failed to stop the Bush administration from winning legal immunity for telecom companies that helped the government eavesdrop on Americans.
Obama voted with 30 fellow Democrats to allow the telecom companies to face lawsuits, which civil liberties groups consider a crucial chance to unearth information on the administration's programme of wiretapping without a court warrant.
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If you think inflation in America's bad, check out the Zimbabwean dollar: "On 21 May 2008, SW Radio Africa reported that, according to an independent financial assessment inflation in May 2008 jumped to 1,063,572.6%."
In January 2003, 1 USD was worth 55 ZWD. 1 USD (as of June 23rd, 2008) is worth 8,260,031,632 ZWN. Holy smokes!
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