i read the news today, oh boy...
For some reason, my Mac would not SSH into my Tabulas server. I managed to logged in to cPanel to try to reboot SSH, but it threw some generic error about the restart failing. Seeing as to how I disabled Telnet and FTP, you would imagine my concern about being locked out via SSH. As it turns out, the cPanel error was because I was running SSH on a separate port (not 22) ... and the SSH errors were due to the fact that the DNS lookups were failing.
Apparently EV1Servers (now The Planet) had some problems with an explosion in a datacenter. Normally, this would have me logging into my customer control panel, but the customer control panel was also in the data center which was down. Oops.
This reminds me of a story I read on TechCrunch today, where Michael Arrington floats the rumor that all of Twitter runs on 3 database servers. Holy smokes.
Amazing how fragile the whole Internet ecosystem is.
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