Anybody who reads this Tabulas probably has a hard time believing that I'm actually NOT a narcissistic in any way, shape, or form. I'm sure it's also confusing cause I keep posting pictures of myself ... let me just say that I really do dislike pictures of myself and I do not go get silly pictures taken as a hobby, even though normal people would NEVER get pictures taken like this or this. However, I am a huge fan of self-deprecation (if only to keep my ginormous ego in check), so hence the pictures.
Anyways, I got suckered into taking pictures for the new MindTouch website, and even though the session was "serious," one thing led to another and I ended up taking this picture:
FIRE MARSHALL ROY IS COMING FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
One day, I really will regret ever making this Tabulas public. Alas
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