the internets is serious business, ok?
I finally got around to updating the default Tabulas templates. I've been fixing up the markup coming up for the gallery and journal views, and I figured the default templates should look decent.
I'm not sure what to do with the "other" default templates. They look so ass-y, I'm tempted just to delete them.
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I also recently switched over all new user accounts to use the new control panel by default.
If you're not using it yet, I suggest you make the switch ASAP, cause I'll be forcing everybody to migrate over soon (let's find those bugs together!)
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Things are so busy lately. Fortunately, I've started a weekly MindTouch poker game at my place to balance out work & play (but it's with coworkers, so I don't know if that's a net plus or not). We've played twice, and I won last week. I hope we play again this week ... it's good fun ;D
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Holy crap, Madonna/Timbaland/Justin Timberlake's latest has an awesome bassline (the video sucks, it's only here so you can listen to it):
As much as I love the bassline, I hate that Madonna's a part of this song. I find her incredibly annoying - all that incessant name dropping by JT is grating. Yes, I can see an old lady gyrating. Yes, I realize that's Madonna. :(
How long do you think before the NBA adopts this song as their theme song for some playoff series (if they haven't already done so)?
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