May 5, 2008
nice timing, itunes (shakes fist)
holy crap. my itunes is alive.
so i'm listening to daft punk's "alive 2007" album while preparing some blueberry muffins. the bootleg version i have is one long file (1:20 long) ... so when it finally ends, and i'm washing the dishes (about to pop the muffins into the oven as i wait for the oven to preheat) ... itunes decides to play ...
wham's "wake me up before you go-go". dear lord, even my computer makes fun of the life i lead...
orange mocha frappuccino!
p.s. i'm using a modified version of the default tabulas template on my account, which i think i'll convert the default one to pretty soon. it's got a new markup, and better styling for all the sub-pages. minor tweaks ... fun.
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