growing up, part 24
"To be an adult is to be alone." - Jean Rostand
What I miss most about my life past is having somebody to talk to. There was always somebody, but not anymore. I've been going through some stuff lately, and I've been internalizing all the frustration, which isn't healthy.
Who can I talk to? I never felt comfortable confiding in my parents about the bad stuff, lest they worry too much (many lessons learned from that). My sister, bless her heart, is still too young to understand what I'm going through. My close friends from NC ... the reality is that time does break down those brotherly bonds, whether we want them to or not. An ex who I've remained close to throughout the years ... can't get too close (obviously). My problems are very deeply rooted in my job, so that eliminates anybody at work.
The problem with the way I've approached life is that when I don't feel fulfillment at work, there's nothing else. And those small little troublesome bubbles from work balloon into personal problems - to the point I've even been questioning my humanity (sounds totally emo and lame, I know... shut up). I'm either completely happy or completely miserable. I can take the misery as long as I have the happiness, but the happiness has been far and few in between.
Corey said he likes my journal because it's so open - I'd say the openness is a reflection on the fact that this is my only avenue of venting, which is pretty pathetic if you think about it.
So for all of you reading out there who have people to talk to ... don't take it for granted.
. . .
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But hey, friends can be earned through blogging. Count me in. ;)
i have my health, a family who loves me unconditionally, and friends who may not understand me completely but care for me regardless. what more can we ask for? with this foundation, i have confidence in myself that i can tackle any problem that may arise in life. just knowing that makes me happy.
oh and having a puppy has been so therapeutic! just taking a walk with my dog after work has helped manage my stress. get a doggie!

Irene (guest)

#1 i don't think you or your blog are any where near pathetic. writing is an excellent way to vent and it's great to have that avenue.
on days that i feel this way the last thing i want to hear is 'i know what you mean'. but i'll say it any way... i know what you mean!
no it's not emo or lame, it's normal while you are learning to balance everything. my happiness also comes from work and when i'm unaccomplished at work other aspects of life suffer.
rather than question your humanity you should question humanity in general. why is it that society is moving toward alienating us not only from our emotions but from other people in general? it should be easy to find people to talk to but in reality finding someone who cares to sit and listen to, not just hear what you are saying is difficult.
focus on the moments of happiness rather than the consistency and take comfort in the fact you are a talented and *SOPHISTICATED* young man
