i never ask you for anything
Hey guys, I never ask you for anything. I post embarassing pictures and stories for your enjoyment.
Long story short, I need people to read my latest blog post at MindTouch. My job may* depend on it. All my fishes, my time-wasting projects, my pictures ... EVERYTHING... may* depend on it. Aaron's last blog post got linked by some famous dude, so I'm going to leverage my personal celebrity status here on Tabulas as a counterweight to inflate my blog stat numbers.
The blog post is about skinning inside Deki Wiki - this may be relevant to you if you ever find yourself needing a wiki, and needing to make it not look like ass. It may not be relevant to you at all, but you should click the link and skim it anyways. Every click matters.
* then again, i may marry jessica alba, win the lottery, and get struck by lightning ... all on the same day
If I sense I am losing, I will introduce a bug accidentally into Tabulas which will redirect all permalinks to this blog post. So please, do not make me that desperate.

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sythiel (guest)
Roebot (guest)

Guys, Roy won 'most read' blog post the last 3 months. He's so selfish! He won't give me this small taste of what he enjoys every month. PLEASE read MY post: http://www.mindtouch.com/blog/2008/04/07/all-your-software/ . I'm certain you'll find it's MUCH more relevant than his geeky skinning post. Blech. MY post is a glimpse at the FUTURE.

Anonymous (guest)
btw why don't you just announce this one over your tabulas.tabulas blog since it's kinda related with THE Tabulas anyways?
I'm quite sure those bloggers would love to help out.
E (guest)

andrew (guest)


andrew (guest)