what a weird day
On a list of things that I did not expect to happen today:
- Finding myself not at work (gasp!) at 12:30 today ... instead I was enjoying free tickets to the Padres/Astros game (courtesy of MindTouch!) with Corey. Holy crap, were our seats great. We were sitting in the 4th row behind the Astros' dugout along the 3rd base line. The weather was abso-f'ing-lutely gorgeous. I still think baseball is the most boring sport ever, but I do agree that going to a live game is far better than watching on TV. Especially the heckling.
- Finding myself assembling Ikea furniture tonight - I assembled 5 Galant desks (and somehow managed to cut myself in the process). I may be going crazy, cause after I assembled the desks, I thought it'd be hilarious to stack one of the desks on top of Guerric's desk and then arrange his stuff on the top of the two desks. I also took another one of the extra desks and put his chair on it. I can't wait to see the confused look on his face when he comes in tomorrow. (I'll probably regret doing this tomorrow, as I'll probably not find it as funny after a good night's sleep)
This weekend shows a lot of promise - there's a ton of momentum behind the new Tabulas control panel - I'm getting a lot of helpful suggestions and bug reports ... and of course, Ree has been tremendously helpful in tracking down issues with the MetaWeblog API and clients. I'm pretty sure most of the idiocy in my shitty code has been removed - now it's a matter of dealing with two different set of specifications ... time to do user agent sniffing!
. . .
Remember those awesome Christmas photos? A few weeks back, we had a documentary crew follow us around at MindTouch, and they saw one of the pictures in our kitchen. Long story short, I ended back in front of (two) cameras as I posed for "Easter photos."
The theme? Easter bunnies and peeps:
You must be thinking, Oh no he di'ant! Oh yes... I did.
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