Ree, are you there? This post is for you :)

So one of the benefits of the new control panel is that crossposting actually works. Anytime you publish a new entry, you have the option of getting it published to: Blogger, Wordpress, LiveJournal, DeadJournal, Blurty, GreatestJournal, and Xanga. The "push" mechanisms are now in place for Tabulas to broadcast out (that way, if one of your services goes down, you have like 8 other sites you've been publishing to!)

I spent last night hacking together a new MetaWeblog API for Tabulas (I highly recommend trying out ecto ... this thing's been a godsend in helping me test the MetaWeblog interface). The new MetaWeblog interface will be "officially" supported by me (I'll clarify what this means in a future post) and has access to all the methods, except the get and setTemplate methods (which are useless for Tabulas). The last piece I have is the newMediaObject RPC call, and then I'll be done. Edit: The MetaWeblog API interface for Tabulas is done!

This got me thinking - wouldn't it be neat to allow posts through the MetaWeblog interface also crosspost? Initially, I had a single checkbox which crossposted everything to every crossposting service you set-up.

But this seemed shoddy.

So I added new metadata around each crossposting service - you can now specify a category with each crossposting account ... any entry that is posted to that category gets automatically crossposted to the respective service. I got this idea based on Ree's usage of the "" category for every crosspost.

The next step is applying the same publishing concepts to the gallery - there's no reason why images stored on Tabulas should just be on there - having it automatically post to Flickr would be fantasgreat. Links could also be pushed out to Delicious (although I'd need to do a little work cleaning up the way tagging works).

Future to-dos: Add more methods to the XML-RPC interfaces for photo management and a full Atom interface for entries/images.

Posted by roy on March 29, 2008 at 04:16 PM in Tabulas | Add a comment

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