February 4, 2008
random thoughts
Best analysis of the MSFT-YHOO merger:
The Borg-Yahoo merger won't work. Here's why. It's like taking the two guys who finished second and third in a 100-yard dash and tying their legs together and asking for a rematch, believing that now they'll run faster.
Read the whole thing - sums up my feelings perfectly.
. . .
I really hope McCain and Hillary don't win tomorrow. That would really suck if I had to choose between those two (good thing Fred Thompson and Rudy aren't contenders anymore... now if that pesky Huckabee would drop out...). Since I'm a registered Republican (Aaron is gonna skewer me for that comment), I already logged my vote for a certain crazy-uncle for tomorrow's primaries.
Sadly, there's a snowball's chance in hell that Ron Paul will register anything more than a blip; it feels nice to know I don't matter.


In any case, I don't like any of the other Republican candidates, so I wouldn't vote for any of them.
McCain is an authoritarian, which is the last thing we need after the expansion of the executive branch under Bush. Huckabee is a religious fanatic who will have trouble keeping that Constitutional separation of state and religion. And Romney is too anti-immigration and pro-business for my tastes.
For all the crazy things Ron Paul says (he doesn't believe in evolution, see all the racist things in the link), I agree with his core tenet: small government. He'd be the most ineffective President since Hoover, but somehow I doubt that'd be a horrible thing (the gridlock between Clinton and the Republican Congress wasn't *so* bad, was it?)

I learned some really fascinating things about US gov't yesterday... but its all very complicated :)

Pete_E (guest)
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