facebook is fucking obnoxious
I was adding some movies to my Blockbuster queue, when I noticed that this lame-ass pop-up kept trying to load while I was navigating through pages. It was the infamous Facebook beacon pop-up!
You know what's super annoying? Adding a movie to my queue, waiting 2 seconds for the stupid pop-up to appear, then clicking "No thanks."
For. Every. Fucking. Movie.
Apparently I opted-into participating in this new media revolution. Now every one of my friends get spammed whenever I do anything online. Awesome. Technical evolution at its finest.
Of course, I should note that you can prevent this from happening - if I want to disable Blockbuster from being annoying, I have to go to Facebook and disable it. Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.
From now on, my online experience can be summarized as:
- Delaying any activity I do online for 2 seconds to make sure a lame-ass blue box doesn't pop up for that site
- If it does pop-up, clicking "No thanks."
- Breaking my buying experience by going to Facebook, finding the "External Websites" privacy and then telling Facebook to stop spamming my friends
- Never shop at that affiliate again.
So, Blockbuster, you have lost my business. Off to Netflix I go! (Although the Netflix representative seemed a little unsure when I asked her if they participate in Facebook Beacon ... god, I really hope they don't). Any other site that participates in this Facebook Beacon nonsense will also receive the blunt end of my boycott banhammer. I hope Facebook issues a PR release espousing their glorious affiliates so it'll make my life easier; if I find a list, I'll be sure to post it.
As a side note, I .. uhh... intentionally decided to spam my friends on Facebook by adding "My Little Pony - A Very Minty Christmas" to my news feed. Of course, when I hit "Okay" ... it didn't work. Sweet.
Update: Yay, Facebook *did* publish a list! Looks like I hate most of those companies already - this should be a pretty easy permanent boycott.
Update 2: Apparently I'm not alone. Those quotes from the digital advertising agency are absurd - we opt to provide FB with information, but we definitely dont' give them a free pass to stalk all our activity on the Internet. Sheesh.
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made me think of you.
i want that otter. i want it!

are you looking to replace penny already?????????