the pursuit of an idea
How would you define your life in one sentence so far?
Mine would be something like: "Tried desperately to manifest ideas into something that somebody else could understand."
Sometimes I have these elaborate images and scenes in my mind - like when you have a dream, and you want to describe it's beauty to somebody.
Sometimes the urge to take an idea and try to share it is so great I can't sleep until I try to share it. A few nights ago, I was falling asleep to "Firefight" (on Jimmy Eat World's "Chasing the Light") when this little scene played in my head. I woke up immediately to try to capture that scene.
That was the lame-ass story I wrote a few days ago.
Sometimes these images are beautiful and elegant ideas - many of my web projects were an attempt to realize an idea into a digital form. This explains why I've always worked by myself on a project; it's so hard to communicate the way I want things to be, and to sully the project by having somebody else add their input was unbearable. This is also why I rarely have an interest in commercializing my projects - they don't exist for that reason.
I read a really interesting theory on art:
"I've long held a little theory (unpopular amongst my friends) that great artists have only one story to tell and once they've told the perfect version of that story they are doomed. Nothing they do from that point on will ever be as good, their story has been told. Some artists escape by fashioning alternate versions of their story, never actually telling it perfectly, always leaving a bit of mystery in the center, always working their way around and around the one truth they know, but maybe these artists are doomed too as they will always fall short..."
Not to say I'm an artist (that'd be an affront to the real ones!), but I can definitely see this line of thought and how it applies to me. At the end of the day, I really am interested in breaking down communication barriers between people. I truly believe that the goal of our generation is break down the barriers of communication and to offer free knowledge to everybody.
Of course, this is a tall order - it'll never be achieved. This I know. I'll continue to create imperfect versions of the idea (see every one of my side projects) in my pursuit of my one story.
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