An internet meme floating around depicts the differences between Chinese culture and German culture. Political-correctness aside (some of images are pretty spot-on for Korean culture), I think the images are very well done and portray the differences quite well; one of those rare examples where the joke goes beyond cultural borders and can be understood due to good usage of common symbols.

Posted by roy on October 8, 2007 at 12:06 AM in Ramblings | 1 Comments

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Comment posted on October 8th, 2007 at 12:19 AM
The "German" stereotypes apply to most all European cultures (including North America), I think. My friends and I joke about the exact same things—particularly how everyone in the Chinese community seems to know each other, how 10:00 can mean anywhere from 10 to 12, and how loud Chinese people are in groups. Similarly my token whiteness is poked fun at mercilessly.

I think the most startlingly in-your-face image is the "Definition of Beauty" one. Asia's obsession with fair skin has always boggled my mind.