September 22, 2007
I had the fortune of catching the Red Bull Air Race down at San Diego bay today - it was basically timed races of airplanes going through pylons. Here are a few picture I lifted from Flickr:
Anyways, between races, they would have random airplanes fly by. One time, this helicopter started doing crazy ass tricks ... including *multiple* loops. I had no clue helicopters were capable of doing loops ... it just boggled my mind. This guy was doing them from a completely stationary position, too!
Now I'm going to get into my Audi and drink Red Bull.
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Anonymous (guest)

Sorry to go off topic here, but comments get autolocked after X days so I can't comment inside a past post.
I'm trying to get semagic to work but so far been unsuccesful. Ive tried all the settings and multiple variations of the combinations but no luck. Bloggar however does work. The MetaWeblog API setting is the only one that is close to working. Any ideas? Thanks.

MetaWeblog is sort of working because it's an extension of the Blogger API, but because they're not the *same* it still doesn't work enough to post. I know -- I've tried.
I think Semagic *used* to work with Tabulas, but when Blogger changed to the Atom API, Semagic dropped "Blogger API" support in favor of supporting only . Which sucks.