obligatory plug
Aaron put up a nice demo of Deki Wiki. Since I know most of you are way too lazy to actually check out the application itself, just watch the 4 minute video which shows you the UI work we've put into Deki Wiki:
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And only cause I bust IE's balls all the time, here is one huge example of how IE6 did something great for the web... HTTPOnly cookies rocks my world! (Firefox and Opera *just* added this capability into their browsers).
Without MS's willingness to innovate in their browsers, we really wouldn't have asynchronous calls, nor would we have HTTPOnly cookies. On one hand, developing applications for multiple browsers is a PITA (pain in the ass), but I do want to see browsers willing to take a risk and introduce non-standard behavior. So for all those people who think that browsers introducing proprietary behavior (a big example of this is Safari being the iPhone SDK) is a bad thing ... it really isn't. We can't all sit around and wait for standards to be written for us - it's nice to see innovation lead the way for standards to be written (after all, how can you figure out what the best practice is if you haven't tried it out a few times?)
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