August 7, 2007
why sometimes i hate 37signals
37signals is a pretty cool company. But sometimes, their blog posts irk me like no other. For example:
"Do you have a project in Basecamp that has been running for a year or more and need to know exactly when a message was posted? Now you can. On the permanent/comments page for a message, we're now including the year in the date stamp as per popular request."
You added the YEAR to your timestamps?! WOW!!! Please, write more posts on stuff like this! Hey, how about a blog post about how you guys make peanut butter sandwiches? That'd be great!
Edit: Wow, Jason Fried (or somebody claiming to be him, when will retarded Tabulas ever add OpenID?) responded in my comments. Pretty cool that 37signals listens to the peanut gallery ...
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PM5K (guest)
Roy would have made the change and wouldn't have said a thing, these guys do it and essentially pat themselves on the back, twice.

Jason Fried (guest)
